
Do your feet need medical attention? Look here for tip and ideas on how to maximise your care and minimise your pain.

Ingrown Toenails: When to See a Podiatrist

26 February 2016
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If you have an ingrown toenail, you may be able to treat it yourself at home in certain circumstances. Typically, this problem happens when a piece of a nail starts to dig into the flesh on your toe. Instead of growing outwards as it should, the nail grows into your skin, potentially causing a lot of pain and discomfort. According to healthdirect, you may be able to fix the toenail and relieve its discomfort yourself by regularly soaking your foot in warm water and then trying to ease the affected skin away from the sharp part of the nail. Read More …

Handy Tips When Dealing with Heel Spurs

13 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Heel spurs refer to bony growths that appear under one's heel bone. This heel bone, also known as a calcaneus, is one of the largest bones in the foot. Its main function is to take in the shock and pressure that our feet are put through when we walk around. If one has developed a heel spur, they will typically find that any movement relating to this bone will be quite painful. Read More …

Jogger’s Toe - Causes, Treatment and Prevention

16 December 2015
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For sportsmen, including runners, squash players and skiers, jogger's toe is an extremely painful reason to visit their local foot clinic like Morrison Podiatry Centre.  But what causes this condition, how can your podiatrist help and what preventative measures can you take to avoid the problem?  Read on to find out more. What causes jogger's toe? Jogger's toe is a painful condition caused by the accumulation of blood underneath the big toenail. Read More …

Corns - Treatment and Prevention

15 December 2015
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Corns are a common cause of foot pain, affecting the toes and the soles of your feet.  They're caused when the skin is continually exposed to pressure or friction.  Here's how better general foot care and help from your podiatrist can help to relieve the pain of corns. What causes corns? Corns usually form on people who have bony feet where there is little natural cushioning.  This can be further exacerbated by the sufferer wearing shoes that are a poor fit or that have high heels that place consistent pressure on one area of the foot. Read More …

4 Probable Causes Behind Your Heel Pain

11 December 2015
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Your heel consists of padded fatty tissue cushioning surrounding the heel bone to hold it in shape despite the weight and movement of your body. The heel protects the structure of your foot ligaments and muscles. Ever so often, you may feel some type of heel pain, especially if you are obese, physically active, pregnant or middle aged. While your podiatrist offers different types of treatment for heel pain, it helps to know the possible causes behind your suffering. Read More …