Podistrist: 3 Common Foot Problems

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Podistrist: 3 Common Foot Problems

8 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

You may not pay much attention to your feet until they become sore and start to hurt. It is then that you might start to wonder about the different problems which can affect your feet. Below is a guide to common problems and how they can be best treated.

Athlete's foot

Athlete's foot is a rash that appears between your toes. It is caused when bacteria grow on the moisture which collects there. By washing your feet on a regular basis and using anti-athlete's foot powder, you can normally easily beat this problem. However, if the athlete's foot is persistent, you should seek professional treatment to prevent the infection spreading to other toes.


A wart is a small bump on your foot which may at first look like a pimple. Without treatment, warts will tend to become larger than a pimple and dark brown in colour. A wart is your body reacting to a viral infection. These viruses can be picked up from moist floors that others have walked on, such as public swimming pools.

Warts can be treated using over-the-counter medications which normally come in the form of gels or pads. However, if your warts do not respond to these treatments, it may be necessary to book an appointment with a podiatrist, who will be able to cut away or freeze off warts. The podiatrist will also be able to inspect any warts which are very dark in colour to check they are not cancerous.

Fungal Infection

Fungal infections are normally caused when you walk in a moisture-rich area such as a shower or pool. Elderly people or those with diabetes are more prone to fungal nail infections. The fungal nail infection can cause your toenail to become yellow or brown. You may also notice that the infected toenail becomes thicker when compared to healthy toes. Cracking and chipping of the toenail are also symptoms of a fungal infection.

A fungal nail infection is normally treated by painting a solution onto the affected nail, although this treatment can take up to a year to work. If you have a fungal nail infection, it is best to have your foot looked at by a qualified podiatrist, who will be able to assess your nail and prescribe anti-fungal medication if needed to preserve the health of your feet.

If you are concerned about the condition of your feet, you should book an appointment with a podiatrist.